Domain Holder
SRB Consulting Team GmbH
Lassallestraße 7a, Unit 4, Top 6b, 1020 Vienna
Phone: (+43) 1 58 56 877
Fax: (+43) 1 58 68 877-99
Companies’ register no: 160056 b
Commercial Court of Registration: Handelsgericht Wien
DVR-No: 4821440
VAT identification no: ATU 43193003
Information duties according to § 5 para. 1 e-commerce-law
Business purpose: IT- and further services
Editorial policy: information about IT services and other services of the company as well as promoting sales of this same company
SRB does not accept any liability for the completeness, accuracy and actuality of the information provided at this website. Changes or adjustments of the provided information can be done without prior notice.
SRB is not responsible for external contents that are referred to directly on this website (via link) or indirectly and will not assume liability in this regard.
External contents do not necessarily represent the opinion of the content provider but merely serve to provide information.
If the user provides contributions to this web site, he/she has to ensure that the rights of third parties are not violated and are in accordance with the legal provisions.
SRB reserves the right to delete or to block obscene, racist, defamatory, unlawful contents, as well as threats to the public order, security or ethicality.
Currently user data are not seized within the domain of this internet presence.
The contents of this website are protected by copyright. Any exploitation, in particular copying, distribution, processing or public reproduction of usernames, trade names, product names etc. is not permitted and represents an infringement of copyright law. Product-, brand- and trade names are used without warranty of unrestricted applicability. All soft- and hardware names mentioned in this internet presence are registered trade marks and are thus subject to legal regulations. No guarantee shall be accepted to the effect that the mentioned programs etc. shall work without any faults and are free of from trade mark rights of third parties.
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